SoS Daisy Hill Hospital Campaign Rally - another show of community strength in Newry city on 25.06.2023. Estimated 10,000 attended the Rally in Marcus Square, Newry and then walked up to Daisy Hill Acute Hospital.

The most recent full Department of Health Report, ‘Health and Wellbeing 2026: Delivering Together’ brought out by former Health Minister Michelle O’Neill, MLA – stated:

“the Health service belongs to all of us… Everyone who uses and delivers our health and social care services must be treated with respect, listened to and supported to work as real partners within the HSC system.” *

Health and Wellbeing 2026: Delivering Together’ p19

When it comes to any decisions made about Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry and any of the Acute Hospitals here in this NI region, these Principles in Delivering Together and the Rules and Procedures around the spending of public money and the statutory accountability of all who deliver and attempt to withdraw Regional Health public services must be followed.

Emergency Surgery and Acute Stroke Services are REGIONAL Services. They cannot be centralised again from a major Acute Hospital like Daisy Hill without a valid Population Needs Assessment and a full Regional Public Consultation by the Department of Health.  A local or individual Health Trust Consultation is NOT enough to make a decision to withdraw vital Regional Services like Accident and Emergency Surgical or Medical services from one area of NI which is going to have a detrimental adverse effect on the lives of everyone across the NI region.


The local catchment population are asking for and are entitled to fair treatment and continuing access to acute hospital premises when it comes to the availability of Emergency Surgery and Emergency Stroke services in their acute hospital Daisy Hill, Newry City.


In 2003, following the Hayes Review and Regional Consultation, Acute Hospital Provision including 24/7 Consultant Led Accident and Emergency Services and Maternity services were Centralised  to nine major acute hospitals. It was recognised by the Department of Health at that time, following the Regional Consultation that the three newly designated acute hospitals in Newry, Enniskillen, and Coleraine, were also needed as well as the so called “Golden Six” to provide timely access to Acute Hospital services as well as ensuring timely access to 24/7 Consultant- Led Emergency Surgery and Emergency Medical Services and Maternity Services to everyone no matter where they choose to live in NI.

All three acute hospitals are situated within predominately rural areas with no nearby acute hospital which can provide timely access to Accident and Emergency and Maternity services.


For those wishing to take further action for Daisy Hill Hospital, Newry as a designated Acute Hospital, people can build on the action of the SOS Daisy Hill Hospital Committee who recently drafted a letter to send to the Southern Trust Chief Executive which expressed opposition to the decisions to remove Emergency Surgery and Acute Stroke services from Daisy Hill Hospital, Newry to Craigavon Hospital.


The Southern Trust must:

>1. Immediately return vital life saving Regional Emergency Surgery and Regional Acute Stroke Services to Daisy Hill.

>2. Invest properly in Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry to ensure the large population in Newry & District is provided for and to fulfil their statutory and legal obligations towards Equality, Human Rights, Rural Needs, Rights of the Child, Good relations and Climate Change regulations.

>3. Return permanently specialist acute inpatient beds to Daisy Hill Hospital

>4. Buy permanent major diagnostic equipment for Daisy Hill Hospital and

>5. Recruit properly for staff for Daisy Hill Hospital and stop prioritising Craigavon and (Lurgan (non acute)) Hospitals.

People can keep asking  MLAs, Newry Mourne and Down Council Councillors and officials, local representatives on the Southern Local Commissioning Group, the Southern Trust, DoH NI, Patient Client Council, Public Health Agency,  Equality Commission, Older People’s Commission, Children and Young Peoples Commission for all these five solutions detailed above for Daisy Hill: (1) Return vital services, (2)Investment, (3) inpatient beds, (4) permanent diagnostic equipment and (5) Proper Recruitment for a level playing field for Daisy Hill Acute Hospital Newry because it is true – the health service does belongs to all of us and we must be treated with respect, listened to and supported to work as real partners within the HSC system*

Refs: *(Health and Wellbeing 2026: Delivering Together, Quote p19, Health Minister Michelle O’Neill, MLA


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© Daisy Hill for Life on Facebook and http://www.savedaisyhillhospital.com, 2015 – 2024

To read more about Acute Hospitals and population need in NI:

Are people in Northern Ireland being treated fairly in the number and location of specialist acute hospitals? Read more below:

SaveDaisyHillhospital.com and Daisy Hill for Life on Facebook have been created in partnership for the positive promotion of Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry city and to promote the need for expansion of specialist acute services, staff, number of beds, and imaging equipment at Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry city for now and the future.

Real Need for Acute Hospital Services and Specialist Acute Inpatient Beds in Newry

There are 160,615 adults and children on GP Registers in Newry & District who depend on timely access to Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry City to Consultant Led Emergency Surgery and Emergency Medical Services to save their lives. There is no other nearby alternative Acute hospital with 24/7 Consultant Led ED Department. How many inpatient beds have the Southern Trust left in Daisy Hil acute Hospital to provide for them? Equality needed in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Acute Hospital services and specialist acute inpatient beds needed in Newry 2023. Equality needed in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust.

There are 160,615 adults and children on GP Registers in Newry & District who depend on timely access to Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry City to Consultant Led Emergency Surgery and Emergency Medical Services to save their lives.  There is no nearby alternative Acute hospital with 24/7 Consultant Led ED Department.

On 1st April 2007 the Southern Trust (Under the 2006 Establishment Order) took over responsibility and accountability to the public (from existing providers Newry & Mourne Health & Social Services Trust) to continue to PROVIDE (NOT TAKE AWAY) hospital accommodation (beds) and Services in Daisy Hill Acute Hospital. 


There were 249.7 beds in Daisy Hill Hospital in 2010*(Ref1) but by September 2023 the Southern Trust has cut the number of inpatient beds dramatically and is now fast tracking centralisation to Craigavon despite the size and need of the larger population in Newry & District.

Newry & District’s very large population size is proven by the latest official data, as in 2023 Newry & District has the 2nd highest number of patients on GP registers in NI (with 160,615) after only Derry, including the 2nd highest number of children in NI under 18, with (36,228 ). (Ref2*: Source DOH).

The Southern Trust rather than provide hospital accommodation (beds) in Daisy Hill Hospital, Newry – instead recently CUT the number of inpatient beds in Daisy Hill, Newry and then soon afterwards has the insensitivity to put out an appeal to the public for help because high numbers of ill patients need hospital beds due to serious overcrowding in Daisy Hill Hospital and Craigavon Emergency Departments.  (30th August 2023 Extreme Hospital pressures: See end for ‘Public appeal’ link*(Ref 3).

The Southern Health and Social Care Trust, with an income of nearly £945 million public money in 2021/22 has the function in Law to provide hospital accommodation (beds) and services for people in ALL the FIVE local government districts in the Southern Trust operational area (in order of population size, starting with the highest: Newry & Mourne, Craigavon, Armagh, Dungannon and Banbridge).

Yes this is correct – Newry & Mourne LGD has ALWAYS been the highest locality population of the 5 LGDs in the Southern Trust operational area (NISRA) (* Ref4) , however the Southern Trust simply will not allocate the appropriate investment on hospital buildings, services, equipment or staff in Newry & Mourne’s Acute Area Hospital – Daisy Hill.


There are unacceptable clear health inequalities in the Southern Trust right now, which must be challenged. 

The Southern Trust is presently providing a 2-tier health system across its two acute hospitals.

For the population of Newry & Mourne the focus is on Acute Care at Home.

>How the Southern Trust are doing this:

The Southern Trust are enhancing ‘ACUTE’ CARE AT HOME services (with patients over 65 years to be cared for in their own homes rather than admitted to hospital), AMBULATORY (SAME DAY) HEALTHCARE and are aiming to provide ALTERNATIVES TO HOSPITAL CLOSE TO HOME as  ABSOLUTE PRIORITIES for the Southern Trust for the POPULATION OF NEWRY & DISTRICT. 

The Southern Trust have drastically reduced specialist acute inpatient beds in Daisy Hill Acute Hospital (DHH), Newry City and their ‘Ambitious’ plan for Daisy Hill aims to prevent and reduce inpatient medical admissions. The Southern Trust wants to transfer acute services from Daisy Hill Hospital to a community treatment centre.

>Meanwhile at the other end of the scale is the SECOND ACUTE HOSPITAL in the Southern Trust – CRAIGAVON.   While Daisy Hill lost beds in 2023 – the Department of Health Budget 2023-24 proposed EXTRA BEDS & PERMANENT DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT FOR CRAIGAVON HOSPITAL AND ENHANCEMENT AFTER ENHANCEMENT.  The Southern Trust steam on ahead with their unwavering plan for a £400million (2014 estimate) MAJOR NEW HOSPITAL FOR THE SMALLER POPULATION OF CRAIGAVON.

Equality means treating people fairly and making sure they have the same chances at life.” According to the HSC Equality Action Plan 2023-28 – but how is this 2-tier health system in the Southern Trust equality?

Hospitals are paid for with public money and the Southern Trust is meant to provide services – not take them away without public consultation. Local authorities must follow the law and be accountable to the people.


The Southern Health and Social Care Trust must:

  1. Invest properly in Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry to ensure the large population in Newry & District is provided for and to fulfil their statutory and legal obligations towards Equality, Human Rights, Rural Needs, Rights of the Child, Good relations and Climate Change regulations.
  2. Return specialist acute inpatient beds to Daisy Hill Hospital
  3. Buy permanent major diagnostic equipment for Daisy Hill Hospital and
  4. Recruit properly for staff for Daisy Hill Hospital and stop prioritising Craigavon and (Lurgan (non acute))  Hospitals.


Ref 3 (30th August 2023 Extreme Hospital pressures: Southern Trust Public appeal link: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=596100106018491&set=a.239622701666235

Ref 4 – Newry & Mourne LGD has ALWAYS been the highest locality population of the 5 LGDs in the Southern Trust operational area. (* Ref4 : Source NISRA). For more information and data on this – pls see: https://savedaisyhillhospital.com/2020/02/04/newry-mourne-local-government-district-lgd-ranks-in-the-top-4-lgds-in-all-northern-ireland-consistently-since-1971-so-where-is-the-matched-funding-for-daisy-hill-acute-hospital-newry/



 249.7 Average available inpatient beds in Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry.  [1st April 2009 to 31st March 2010].
221.1  Average available inpatient beds in Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry.  [1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022].
In September 2023 – how many inpatient beds are left in Daisy Hill acute Hospital, Newry?

(B) INPATIENT BEDS: General Surgery: 1st April 2009 to 31st March 2010 (DOH 2010)

> General Surgery : Daisy Hill: 48.8 average available inpatient beds and 3,036 non elective inpatients
> General Surgery CAH: 85.9 average available inpatient beds and 3,727 non elective inpatients.

 (C) INPATIENT BEDS: General Surgery 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022 (DOH 2022)
>General Surgery: Daisy Hill: 24.2 average available inpatient beds and 2,089 non elective inpatients
> General surgery: CAH: 70.5 average available inpatient beds and 3,008 non elective inpatients.
(Non elective inpatients =unplanned/emergency). ‘Average Available/Occupied Beds: The average number of available and occupied beds during the year in wards that are open overnight, measured at midnight. Hospitals may also have a number of beds in wards that are only open during the day. Beds reserved for day care admission or regular day admission are not included.’ (Source DOH 2022).

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SaveDaisyHillhospital.com and Daisy Hill for Life on Facebook have been created in partnership for the positive promotion of Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry city and to promote the need for expansion of specialist acute services, staff, number of beds, and imaging equipment at Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry city for now and the future.

© Daisy Hill for Life on Facebook and http://www.savedaisyhillhospital.com, 2015 – 2024