Daisy Hill Acute Hospital is the heart of the community – The heart that keeps us alive.

Daisy Hill Acute Hospital -the heart of the community - The heart that keeps us alive. Restore Emergency Surgery to Daisy Hill Hospital, Newry.

Newry Mourne and Down District Council recently announced a motion against the Permanent Secretary’s decision to permanently remove Emergency Surgery from Daisy Hill Hospital and are calling for the new Health Minister to reinstate Emergency Surgery at Daisy Hill Acute Hospital immediately. (Link at end)

It is good to see this action from Newry Mourne and Down Councillors on this vitally important issue, whose job it is to speak and act for the people in their areas. The estimated population of Newry, Mourne and Down Council for 2023/24 is 185,808 adults and children (NISRA). Newry Mourne and Down has the third biggest Council population in NI, with the third largest land mass area.

The removal of Emergency Surgery from Daisy Hill Hospital, Newry is a very serious withdrawal of a core timely life-saving Regional Emergency service from an Acute Hospital.

Centralisation of this kind also has a serious impact on all other Health Trusts especially the Ambulance Trust.

The Southern Trust does not have the authority to remove Regional Services.

This decision to permanently remove Emergency Surgery from an Acute Hospital can only be taken after a Regional Public Consultation and after approval by a Health Minister.

Just like the changes to Stroke Services and all other Regional Services which affect the whole population, before there are any permanent changes to Emergency Surgery Services at Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry, the following will be required:

1. A proper Population Needs Assessment using official data from NISRA
2. An open and accessible Regional Public Consultation on Emergency Surgery provision.

As Health Minister, Mr Robin Swann MLA will be aware of the importance of all factors in Regional health service decision making and will wish to ensure that there is no geographic disparity (inequality) in the core acute hospital services provided across the region.

He will also be aware of the need to match other core values for the Programme of Government including Good Relations, Rural Needs and Climate Change Regulations.

Health Minister Robin Swann MLA will be aware of all these factors and the decision now rests with him.

Daisy Hill hospital is the heart of the community – and needs to remain as an Acute Hospital, the people have paid for it to be there when they need it in an emergency.

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Information on this and other similar topics is also available at the companion Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/daisyhillforlife/ Please Follow or Like the Page to receive updates. Thank you.

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© Daisy Hill for Life on Facebook and http://www.savedaisyhillhospital.com, 2015 – 2024

We welcome sharing of this info and the use of excerpts and links, please give full and clear credit to http://www.savedaisyhillhospital.com and Daisy Hill for Life with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Thank-you.


SOS Daisy Hill Hospital Committee Public Rally in Newry on 25 June 2023

As 2023 draws to a close, we thought it fitting to remember a very special stand out event from the Daisy Hill Hospital Campaign in 2023 – by returning to the SOS Daisy Hill Hospital Committee Public Rally in Newry on 25 June 2023 to feature some of the speeches spoken from the platform.

Over 10,000 men, women and children came out to support SOS Daisy Hill Hospital Committee by gathering in Marcus Square for speeches and then a people’s march up to Daisy Hill Hospital, applause for the staff and a walk right around the hospital complex to form a “ring of steel” of people.

A number of excellent speakers spoke to the assembled crowd at the Rally in Marcus Square, and audio of three of the speakers is available here – Pls click on the links to listen:

Francis Gallagher Chairperson of SOS Daisy Hill Hospital Committee

Tanya Killen President of NIPSA (Northern Ireland Public Service Association)

Deborah Yapicioz UNISON

Eddy Curtis SOS Daisy Hill Hospital Committee

As we remember that day and listen to some of the available inspirational speeches, is a reminder of the enthusiasm, strength of feeling and determination that exists in the community and beyond to continue to challenge unfair decisions like the removal of core emergency services and beds and the failure of the Southern Trust and others to properly invest, plan or recruit for Daisy Hill Acute Area Hospital, Newry.

The words and actions of this Public Rally in June encourage us to look forward with positivity and with determination for the future of Daisy Hill Acute Hospital in 2024.

Summed up by Mr Eddy Curtis from SOS Daisy Hill Hospital Committee from the Rally platform that day, here are some extracts from his speech:

“We have to continue battling and fighting and putting our best foot forward – to say the people of Newry & Mourne and South Armagh will not accept anything less than an international quality of health that you deserve.

 We are asking all families and their children to lead the parade, because at the end of the day – they are the future of our region and they are the people who are going to need health services.

We are going to walk right round the hospital – to put a ring of steel on it and let them see– it’s ours – you cannot touch it – you have to invest in it.”

Eddy Curtis (SOS Daisy Hill Hospital Committee)
SOS Daisy Hill Hospital Committee Public Rally in Newry on 25 June 2023

Population info

GP registers in NI : Newry & District has 160,615 patients (2nd highest in NI (after only Derry), including the 2nd highest number of children in NI under 18, with (36,228 ) (Source DOH 2023)

For more on this topic:

OUR HEALTH SERVICE, OUR ACUTE HOSPITALS – PAID FOR WITH OUR PUBLIC MONEY – see: https://wordpress.com/post/savedaisyhillhospital.com/4163

Real Need for Hospital Services and Specialist Acute Inpatient Beds in Newry Region – see: https://wordpress.com/post/savedaisyhillhospital.com/4012

Daisy Hill Acute Hospital's Emergency Department with Emergency Surgery is a  Northern Ireland Regional Service and saves Lives

Text, graphics and logo ©Daisy Hill for Life on Facebook and http://www.savedaisyhillhospital.com, 2015 – 2023.

Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to http://www.savedaisyhillhospital.com (Daisy Hill Hospital for Life) and Daisy Hill for Life on Facebook with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Thank-you! We welcome sharing.

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Daisy Hill Hospital for Life logo


SOS Daisy Hill Hospital Committee Public Rally in Newry on 25 June 2023

As 2023 draws to a close, we thought it fitting to remember a very special stand out event from the Daisy Hill Hospital Campaign in 2023 – by returning to the SOS Daisy Hill Hospital Committee Public Rally in Newry on 25 June 2023 to feature some of the speeches spoken from the platform.

Over 10,000 men, women and children came out to support SOS Daisy Hill Hospital Committee by gathering in Marcus Square for speeches and then a people’s march up to Daisy Hill Hospital, applause for the staff and a walk right around the hospital complex to form a “ring of steel” of people.

A number of excellent speakers spoke to the assembled crowd at the Rally in Marcus Square, and audio of three of the speakers is available here – Pls click on the links to listen:

Francis Gallagher Chairperson of SOS Daisy Hill Hospital Committee

Tanya Killen President of NIPSA (Northern Ireland Public Service Association)

Deborah Yapicioz UNISON

Eddy Curtis SOS Daisy Hill Hospital Committee

As we remember that day and listen to some of the available inspirational speeches, is a reminder of the enthusiasm, strength of feeling and determination that exists in the community and beyond to continue to challenge unfair decisions like the removal of core emergency services and beds and the failure of the Southern Trust and others to properly invest, plan or recruit for Daisy Hill Acute Area Hospital, Newry.

The words and actions of this Public Rally in June encourage us to look forward with positivity and with determination for the future of Daisy Hill Acute Hospital in 2024.

Summed up by Mr Eddy Curtis from SOS Daisy Hill Hospital Committee from the Rally platform that day, here are some extracts from his speech:

“We have to continue battling and fighting and putting our best foot forward – to say the people of Newry & Mourne and South Armagh will not accept anything less than an international quality of health that you deserve.

 We are asking all families and their children to lead the parade, because at the end of the day – they are the future of our region and they are the people who are going to need health services.

We are going to walk right round the hospital – to put a ring of steel on it and let them see– it’s ours – you cannot touch it – you have to invest in it.”

Eddy Curtis (SOS Daisy Hill Hospital Committee)
SOS Daisy Hill Hospital Committee Public Rally in Newry on 25 June 2023

Population info

GP registers in NI : Newry & District has 160,615 patients (2nd highest in NI (after only Derry), including the 2nd highest number of children in NI under 18, with (36,228 ) (Source DOH 2023)

For more on this topic:

OUR HEALTH SERVICE, OUR ACUTE HOSPITALS – PAID FOR WITH OUR PUBLIC MONEY – see: https://wordpress.com/post/savedaisyhillhospital.com/4163

Real Need for Hospital Services and Specialist Acute Inpatient Beds in Newry Region – see: https://wordpress.com/post/savedaisyhillhospital.com/4012

Daisy Hill Acute Hospital's Emergency Department with Emergency Surgery is a  Northern Ireland Regional Service and saves Lives

Text, graphics and logo ©Daisy Hill for Life on Facebook and http://www.savedaisyhillhospital.com, 2015 – 2023.

Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to http://www.savedaisyhillhospital.com (Daisy Hill Hospital for Life) and Daisy Hill for Life on Facebook with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Thank-you! We welcome sharing.

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SoS Daisy Hill Hospital Campaign Rally - another show of community strength in Newry city on 25.06.2023. Estimated 10,000 attended the Rally in Marcus Square, Newry and then walked up to Daisy Hill Acute Hospital.

The most recent full Department of Health Report, ‘Health and Wellbeing 2026: Delivering Together’ brought out by former Health Minister Michelle O’Neill, MLA – stated:

“the Health service belongs to all of us… Everyone who uses and delivers our health and social care services must be treated with respect, listened to and supported to work as real partners within the HSC system.” *

Health and Wellbeing 2026: Delivering Together’ p19

When it comes to any decisions made about Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry and any of the Acute Hospitals here in this NI region, these Principles in Delivering Together and the Rules and Procedures around the spending of public money and the statutory accountability of all who deliver and attempt to withdraw Regional Health public services must be followed.

Emergency Surgery and Acute Stroke Services are REGIONAL Services. They cannot be centralised again from a major Acute Hospital like Daisy Hill without a valid Population Needs Assessment and a full Regional Public Consultation by the Department of Health.  A local or individual Health Trust Consultation is NOT enough to make a decision to withdraw vital Regional Services like Accident and Emergency Surgical or Medical services from one area of NI which is going to have a detrimental adverse effect on the lives of everyone across the NI region.


The local catchment population are asking for and are entitled to fair treatment and continuing access to acute hospital premises when it comes to the availability of Emergency Surgery and Emergency Stroke services in their acute hospital Daisy Hill, Newry City.


In 2003, following the Hayes Review and Regional Consultation, Acute Hospital Provision including 24/7 Consultant Led Accident and Emergency Services and Maternity services were Centralised  to nine major acute hospitals. It was recognised by the Department of Health at that time, following the Regional Consultation that the three newly designated acute hospitals in Newry, Enniskillen, and Coleraine, were also needed as well as the so called “Golden Six” to provide timely access to Acute Hospital services as well as ensuring timely access to 24/7 Consultant- Led Emergency Surgery and Emergency Medical Services and Maternity Services to everyone no matter where they choose to live in NI.

All three acute hospitals are situated within predominately rural areas with no nearby acute hospital which can provide timely access to Accident and Emergency and Maternity services.


For those wishing to take further action for Daisy Hill Hospital, Newry as a designated Acute Hospital, people can build on the action of the SOS Daisy Hill Hospital Committee who recently drafted a letter to send to the Southern Trust Chief Executive which expressed opposition to the decisions to remove Emergency Surgery and Acute Stroke services from Daisy Hill Hospital, Newry to Craigavon Hospital.


The Southern Trust must:

>1. Immediately return vital life saving Regional Emergency Surgery and Regional Acute Stroke Services to Daisy Hill.

>2. Invest properly in Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry to ensure the large population in Newry & District is provided for and to fulfil their statutory and legal obligations towards Equality, Human Rights, Rural Needs, Rights of the Child, Good relations and Climate Change regulations.

>3. Return permanently specialist acute inpatient beds to Daisy Hill Hospital

>4. Buy permanent major diagnostic equipment for Daisy Hill Hospital and

>5. Recruit properly for staff for Daisy Hill Hospital and stop prioritising Craigavon and (Lurgan (non acute)) Hospitals.

People can keep asking  MLAs, Newry Mourne and Down Council Councillors and officials, local representatives on the Southern Local Commissioning Group, the Southern Trust, DoH NI, Patient Client Council, Public Health Agency,  Equality Commission, Older People’s Commission, Children and Young Peoples Commission for all these five solutions detailed above for Daisy Hill: (1) Return vital services, (2)Investment, (3) inpatient beds, (4) permanent diagnostic equipment and (5) Proper Recruitment for a level playing field for Daisy Hill Acute Hospital Newry because it is true – the health service does belongs to all of us and we must be treated with respect, listened to and supported to work as real partners within the HSC system*

Refs: *(Health and Wellbeing 2026: Delivering Together, Quote p19, Health Minister Michelle O’Neill, MLA


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© Daisy Hill for Life on Facebook and http://www.savedaisyhillhospital.com, 2015 – 2024

To read more about Acute Hospitals and population need in NI:

Are people in Northern Ireland being treated fairly in the number and location of specialist acute hospitals? Read more below:

SaveDaisyHillhospital.com and Daisy Hill for Life on Facebook have been created in partnership for the positive promotion of Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry city and to promote the need for expansion of specialist acute services, staff, number of beds, and imaging equipment at Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry city for now and the future.

Consultation on the HSC NI Draft Equality Disability Action Plans 2023-28: closes tomorrow Mon 25th September 2023 – pls take part & give your views

HSC NI Equality Disability Action Plans 2023 Equality Needed in Southern Trust

“The six Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland have worked in partnership to develop new draft Equality and Disability Action Plans for 2023-28. These draft equality and disability action plans outline the proposed actions to be taken forward by the Health and Social Care Trusts over the next 5 years to address Section 75 inequalities, and to promote positive attitudes towards people with a disability and to encourage participation in public life.  We are now seeking views on our draft Equality and Disability Action Plans and welcome your feedback regarding the potential impact of our proposed actions or how they could be improved.

We are keen to hear from anyone – service users, carers, staff and trade unions and we value input from those with lived experience.

All comments should be returned to the Northern Health and Social Care Trust Equality Unit.”

Information above From the Northern Trust’s website at : https://www.northerntrust.hscni.net/about-the-trust/involving-you/consultations/disabilityandequality/

>QUESTIONNAIRE AVAILABLE BELOW to help you respond to this Consultation.

You can provide your feedback on the draft plans by completing the consultation proforma.  The Northern Trust have also provided a word version of the consultation proforma available.

Consultation Deadline tomorrow Monday 25th September 2023

  • Once it has downloaded -open the Word version of the consultation file and you can start to edit it.
  • You will need to fill in your name and your email address on page 1 and answer the Equality and Disability Plan Qs and if you want to answer the Equality Monitoring Data Questions 10- 20 you can fill them in too.
  • Then Save your filled in consultation questionaire version to your device with a New file name of your choice.

Instructions for those not used to replying to consultations through email

  1. Save file to your device (then Save as a new filename) eg ‘word consultation proforma RSmith or Add your intitals’
  2. Login to your Email, then Select Write New Email/Pen icon/compose
  3. Attach the renamed file to your email using the (paperclip icon/Insert/Attach option)
  4. Type the recipients email address into the To field: equality.unit@northerntrust.hscni.net
  5. Subject field : Response to HSC NI Equality Disability Action Plans 2023 -28 Consultation
  6. Write a short message e.g. Please find attached my consultation response and Hit Send
  7. Send your responses to equality.unit@northerntrust.hscni.net by tomorrow Monday 25th September 2023:


Consultations are one of the best ways to get straight to the decision makers, and stand up for the services we are entitled to in this area.

We all have a say in how our Public Money is spent and have to speak up at every opportunity for Equal Treament and against removal of Regional Emergency Services and specialist Acute inpatient services in Daisy Hill and campaign for the Major new Specialist Acute Hospital building in Newry City for our large population, which was promised at Government level in 2005.


Consultation References and Links


How to give your Feedback (From the Northern Trust )

You can provide your feedback on the draft plans by completing the consultation proforma.  We also have a word version of the consultation proforma available.

Alternatively, we welcome your views in any format.  Please contact the Equality Unit at 028 2766 1377 or equality.unit@northerntrust.hscni.net

You can write to the Equality Unit at Route Complex, 8e Coleraine Road, Ballymoney, Co. Antrim, BT53 6BP.

Online Consultation


Other Useful links


*For important info on Misrepresented LGD population sizes at :  

Registrar General NI Link (which confirms although the 11 council model is in place since 2014, Health Trusts remain under the 26 council model). See below

https://www.nisra.gov.uk/sites/nisra.gov.uk/files/publications/Maps-of-NI-Health-Trusts-and-Local-Government-Districts.pdf     (see p 1& p2)
Link to Registrar General Northern Ireland Annual Report 2015 (Publication date: 31 August 2016)
Appendix 6 Northern Ireland’s Health & Social Care Trusts and Local Government Districts
Appendix 7 Northern Ireland’s 11 Local Government Districts 2015

The Equality Commission for NI : https://www.equalityni.org/

The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission : https://nihrc.org/

The Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland: https://www.copni.org/

NI Commissioner for Children and Young People: www.niccy.org/


Replying to this Consultation and Liking and Sharing these posts can help support all Daisy Hill Hospital campaigns. Thank you.    

Information on this and other similar topics is also available at the companion Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/daisyhillforlife/ Please Follow or Like the Page to receive updates. Thank you.

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Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

© Daisy Hill for Life on Facebook and http://www.savedaisyhillhospital.com, 2015 – 2023

We welcome sharing of this info and the use of excerpts and links, please give full and clear credit to http://www.savedaisyhillhospital.com and Daisy Hill for Life with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Thank-you.

SaveDaisyHillhospital.com and Daisy Hill for Life on Facebook have been created in partnership for the positive promotion of Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry city and to promote the need for expansion of specialist acute services, staff, number of beds, and imaging equipment at Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry city for now and the future.

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People Power in Newry- Daisy Hill Hospital, Newry Saves Lives
People Power in Newry- Daisy Hill Hospital, Newry Saves Lives – 2023

Real Need for Acute Hospital Services and Specialist Acute Inpatient Beds in Newry

There are 160,615 adults and children on GP Registers in Newry & District who depend on timely access to Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry City to Consultant Led Emergency Surgery and Emergency Medical Services to save their lives. There is no other nearby alternative Acute hospital with 24/7 Consultant Led ED Department. How many inpatient beds have the Southern Trust left in Daisy Hil acute Hospital to provide for them? Equality needed in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Acute Hospital services and specialist acute inpatient beds needed in Newry 2023. Equality needed in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust.

There are 160,615 adults and children on GP Registers in Newry & District who depend on timely access to Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry City to Consultant Led Emergency Surgery and Emergency Medical Services to save their lives.  There is no nearby alternative Acute hospital with 24/7 Consultant Led ED Department.

On 1st April 2007 the Southern Trust (Under the 2006 Establishment Order) took over responsibility and accountability to the public (from existing providers Newry & Mourne Health & Social Services Trust) to continue to PROVIDE (NOT TAKE AWAY) hospital accommodation (beds) and Services in Daisy Hill Acute Hospital. 


There were 249.7 beds in Daisy Hill Hospital in 2010*(Ref1) but by September 2023 the Southern Trust has cut the number of inpatient beds dramatically and is now fast tracking centralisation to Craigavon despite the size and need of the larger population in Newry & District.

Newry & District’s very large population size is proven by the latest official data, as in 2023 Newry & District has the 2nd highest number of patients on GP registers in NI (with 160,615) after only Derry, including the 2nd highest number of children in NI under 18, with (36,228 ). (Ref2*: Source DOH).

The Southern Trust rather than provide hospital accommodation (beds) in Daisy Hill Hospital, Newry – instead recently CUT the number of inpatient beds in Daisy Hill, Newry and then soon afterwards has the insensitivity to put out an appeal to the public for help because high numbers of ill patients need hospital beds due to serious overcrowding in Daisy Hill Hospital and Craigavon Emergency Departments.  (30th August 2023 Extreme Hospital pressures: See end for ‘Public appeal’ link*(Ref 3).

The Southern Health and Social Care Trust, with an income of nearly £945 million public money in 2021/22 has the function in Law to provide hospital accommodation (beds) and services for people in ALL the FIVE local government districts in the Southern Trust operational area (in order of population size, starting with the highest: Newry & Mourne, Craigavon, Armagh, Dungannon and Banbridge).

Yes this is correct – Newry & Mourne LGD has ALWAYS been the highest locality population of the 5 LGDs in the Southern Trust operational area (NISRA) (* Ref4) , however the Southern Trust simply will not allocate the appropriate investment on hospital buildings, services, equipment or staff in Newry & Mourne’s Acute Area Hospital – Daisy Hill.


There are unacceptable clear health inequalities in the Southern Trust right now, which must be challenged. 

The Southern Trust is presently providing a 2-tier health system across its two acute hospitals.

For the population of Newry & Mourne the focus is on Acute Care at Home.

>How the Southern Trust are doing this:

The Southern Trust are enhancing ‘ACUTE’ CARE AT HOME services (with patients over 65 years to be cared for in their own homes rather than admitted to hospital), AMBULATORY (SAME DAY) HEALTHCARE and are aiming to provide ALTERNATIVES TO HOSPITAL CLOSE TO HOME as  ABSOLUTE PRIORITIES for the Southern Trust for the POPULATION OF NEWRY & DISTRICT. 

The Southern Trust have drastically reduced specialist acute inpatient beds in Daisy Hill Acute Hospital (DHH), Newry City and their ‘Ambitious’ plan for Daisy Hill aims to prevent and reduce inpatient medical admissions. The Southern Trust wants to transfer acute services from Daisy Hill Hospital to a community treatment centre.

>Meanwhile at the other end of the scale is the SECOND ACUTE HOSPITAL in the Southern Trust – CRAIGAVON.   While Daisy Hill lost beds in 2023 – the Department of Health Budget 2023-24 proposed EXTRA BEDS & PERMANENT DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT FOR CRAIGAVON HOSPITAL AND ENHANCEMENT AFTER ENHANCEMENT.  The Southern Trust steam on ahead with their unwavering plan for a £400million (2014 estimate) MAJOR NEW HOSPITAL FOR THE SMALLER POPULATION OF CRAIGAVON.

Equality means treating people fairly and making sure they have the same chances at life.” According to the HSC Equality Action Plan 2023-28 – but how is this 2-tier health system in the Southern Trust equality?

Hospitals are paid for with public money and the Southern Trust is meant to provide services – not take them away without public consultation. Local authorities must follow the law and be accountable to the people.


The Southern Health and Social Care Trust must:

  1. Invest properly in Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry to ensure the large population in Newry & District is provided for and to fulfil their statutory and legal obligations towards Equality, Human Rights, Rural Needs, Rights of the Child, Good relations and Climate Change regulations.
  2. Return specialist acute inpatient beds to Daisy Hill Hospital
  3. Buy permanent major diagnostic equipment for Daisy Hill Hospital and
  4. Recruit properly for staff for Daisy Hill Hospital and stop prioritising Craigavon and (Lurgan (non acute))  Hospitals.


Ref 3 (30th August 2023 Extreme Hospital pressures: Southern Trust Public appeal link: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=596100106018491&set=a.239622701666235

Ref 4 – Newry & Mourne LGD has ALWAYS been the highest locality population of the 5 LGDs in the Southern Trust operational area. (* Ref4 : Source NISRA). For more information and data on this – pls see: https://savedaisyhillhospital.com/2020/02/04/newry-mourne-local-government-district-lgd-ranks-in-the-top-4-lgds-in-all-northern-ireland-consistently-since-1971-so-where-is-the-matched-funding-for-daisy-hill-acute-hospital-newry/



 249.7 Average available inpatient beds in Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry.  [1st April 2009 to 31st March 2010].
221.1  Average available inpatient beds in Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry.  [1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022].
In September 2023 – how many inpatient beds are left in Daisy Hill acute Hospital, Newry?

(B) INPATIENT BEDS: General Surgery: 1st April 2009 to 31st March 2010 (DOH 2010)

> General Surgery : Daisy Hill: 48.8 average available inpatient beds and 3,036 non elective inpatients
> General Surgery CAH: 85.9 average available inpatient beds and 3,727 non elective inpatients.

 (C) INPATIENT BEDS: General Surgery 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022 (DOH 2022)
>General Surgery: Daisy Hill: 24.2 average available inpatient beds and 2,089 non elective inpatients
> General surgery: CAH: 70.5 average available inpatient beds and 3,008 non elective inpatients.
(Non elective inpatients =unplanned/emergency). ‘Average Available/Occupied Beds: The average number of available and occupied beds during the year in wards that are open overnight, measured at midnight. Hospitals may also have a number of beds in wards that are only open during the day. Beds reserved for day care admission or regular day admission are not included.’ (Source DOH 2022).

Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

SaveDaisyHillhospital.com and Daisy Hill for Life on Facebook have been created in partnership for the positive promotion of Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry city and to promote the need for expansion of specialist acute services, staff, number of beds, and imaging equipment at Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry city for now and the future.

© Daisy Hill for Life on Facebook and http://www.savedaisyhillhospital.com, 2015 – 2024

WRITE FOR YOUR RIGHTS – 2 DAYS to GO! Defend Daisy Hill Hospital in Newry and its right to funding in Dept. of Health 2023-24 Budget 


LINKS (just click on the Download buttons) :

Plus : the Previous versions V1 and V2 – (more Response Sheets/ Answer Suggestions)

These 5 versions can all be downloaded and used, if you want to use any of the info to assist you, or the answers just as they are for your own response to the Department’s call out for comments to this consultation pls see How to reply below. Consultation Deadline is this coming Monday 14th August 2023: 23.59pm.


The purpose of the Department of Health (DoH) is to improve the physical and mental health of people in NI; prevent, diagnose and treat illness; and improve the social wellbeing of the people of NI.  But the distribution of the £7.3 billion Budget allocated to the DoH in 2023-24 will not secure any improvement in diagnosis and treatment of illness and social wellbeing for the catchment population of Daisy Hill Specialist Acute hospital, Newry City.  

Even though Newry & District has the second highest number of patients on all of the 17 GP Registers in NI (with c.161,000 men, women and children), and has the third largest land mass (mostly rural) for the Ambulance Trust to cover,  Daisy Hill Specialist Acute hospital, Newry City, with 57,000 attendances to Accident and Emergency has yet again been left out of this £7.3  billion Public money budget (except for a proposal to give basic electrics for the hospital). 

We have to bring to the attention of the DoH that the Southern Trust once again removed timely life saving core services like Stroke and Emergency Surgery from Daisy Hill. Over 10,000 men women and children took part in the recent SOS Daisy Hill Hospital Committee Public Rally to object to removal of these vital core services. 

To date the Southern Trust has only submitted business plans for permanent diagnostic equipment plus previous Business Plans for a £400+ million new Hospital for Craigavon. They refuse to submit business plans to the Department for the NEW Hospital promised in 2005 by Peter Hain, in Newry, as their intention is to centralise all specialist acute services to Craigavon hospital.

People Power in Newry- Daisy Hill Hospital, Newry Saves Lives


DOH Budget EQIA pg13/14 states Re Staff Pay Offer: “As highlighted above, the financial position does not therefore allow the Department to make a pay offer without implementing measures that would have an immediate detrimental impact on services to citizens. Our present analysis suggests that, to do so, WOULD REQUIRE DECISIONS TO CEASE CRITICAL SERVICES WHICH ARE BEYOND THE POWER THE DEPARTMENT TO MAKE.”

As it is beyond the power of the DOH  (as stated above) to make a decision to ‘cease critical services’ to citizens it was also beyond the power of the Southern Trust to cease providing critical  timely access to vital core life saving Regional services like Emergency Surgery and Stroke in Daisy Hill Acute Hospital.  This removal of critical core Emergency services has already had an adverse detrimental impact on c161,000 patients on GP Registers in Newry & District in the catchment area of Daisy Hill, Newry and their ability to access TIMELY specialist  acute inpatient hospital services.

>The only option left to us now is to answer the 3 Questions in this 2023 Doh Budget Allocation Consultation (pdf pgs 38,39) and challenge why Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry City was left out by the DoH of Major Budget proposals and denied its fair share of NI’s allocation of £7.3 billion.

Major investment has unquestionably been allocated to other Acute hospitals across NI eg Ulster, Antrim, Altnagelvin, Royal, when other acute hospitals are ignored.  This is not equal treatment or improving the health and social wellbeing of the people from the catchment area of Daisy Hill, Newry.

YOUR RESPONSES WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE because the DOH also says that Consultation responses will also be considered in targeting any additional funding that may become available during the financial year.

Instructions for those not used to replying to consultations through email

Save file to your device (rename the filename if you can) eg ‘Comments to DOH Budget EQIA Add intitals

Login to your Email, then Select Write New Email/Pen icon

Attach the renamed file to your email using the (paperclip icon/Insert/Attach option)

Type the recipients email address into the To field: Budget23-24response@health-ni.gov.uk  

Subject field : Response to DOH Budget 2023-24 Equality Impact Assessment / EQIA Consultation

Write a short message and Hit Send

Send your responses to Budget23-24response@health-ni.gov.uk by this coming Monday 14th August 2023: 23.59pm.

Reply notes:
Replying to this DOH Budget 2023-24 Consultation and Liking and Sharing these posts can help support all Daisy Hill Hospital campaigns. Thank you.    

References and Links


https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/sites/default/files/consultations/health/doh-budget-eqia-cons.pdf    Direct link to DOH Budget 2023-24 Consultation Qs ( see  Questions pdf pgs 38,39)

The aim of this strategic proposal is to try and protect services delivered directly to citizens as much as possible and through this minimise the impact on service delivery, patients and clients thereby protecting, as far as possible, services delivered to all section 75 groups.

Reading Notes/page numbers : Department of Health Budget 2023-24 Equality Impact Assessment Consultation Document typed Page number 8 is found at PDF page no.10 and page 18 numbered on the Consultation doc is found at PDF page no.20 when viewing on through a PDF reader.

Link to the Department of Health NI Consultation: Equality Impact Assessment of the 2023-24 Budget

https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/consultations/equality-impact-assessment-2023-24-budget-outcome    General link to DOH BUDGET Consultation

Other links

https://www.equalityni.org/ECNI/media/ECNI/Consultation%20Responses/2023/DoH-Budget2023-24EQIA-ECNIresponse.pdf     VG  Link to Consultation response from the Equality Commission.

VG Link to Budget Consultation Response from Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY):  Advice on the Department of Health Draft Budget EQIA 2023-24 (p3)

 (Southern Trust Delivery Plan 2018/19 on the new Newry Community Treatment Centre. p97)*



*For important info on Misrepresented LGD population sizes at :  

The Equality Commission for NI

Links to Equal Commission & Children’s Commissioner Response

Response by the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland to the consultation by the Department of Health on its Budget 2023- 2024 Equality Impact Assessment


The Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY

The Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY) Advice on the Department of Health Draft Budget EQIA 2023-24 (30 June 2023)

Registrar General NI Link (which confirms although the 11 council model is in place since 2014, Health Trusts remain under the 26 council model). See below

https://www.nisra.gov.uk/sites/nisra.gov.uk/files/publications/Maps-of-NI-Health-Trusts-and-Local-Government-Districts.pdf     (see p 1& p2)
Link to Registrar General Northern Ireland Annual Report 2015 (Publication date: 31 August 2016)
Appendix 6 Northern Ireland’s Health & Social Care Trusts and Local Government Districts
Appendix 7 Northern Ireland’s 11 Local Government Districts 2015

>CONSULTATION DEADLINE: This important DOH EQIA Budget Consultation is open until this coming Monday 14th August 2023: 23.59pm.

Information on this and other similar topics is also available at the companion Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/daisyhillforlife/ Please Follow or Like the Page to receive updates. Thank you.

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© Daisy Hill for Life on Facebook and http://www.savedaisyhillhospital.com, 2015 – 2023

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Help for your response to: Dept of Health Equality Impact Assessment of 2023-24 Budget Consultation available here

Downloadable Information Sheets with pre-written Response ideas to help answer this Budget Consultation are NOW AVAILABLE – to respond to the Dept of Health’s request for comments to their Equality Assessment of the 2023-24 Budget Outcome

The Department of Health cannot commit one penny of funding towards Health and Social care in Newry & Mourne or at Daisy Hill Hospital unless the Southern Trust asks for it by putting it into their Business Plans and submitting to the Department of Health.

As the Southern Trust have NOT asked or proposed any proper funding for Daisy Hill Hospital, Newry in this Budget – We the people need to speak up and ask instead through this Public Consultation

The 2023-24 Budget EQIA Consultation Deadline is Mon 14th August, so the campaign for fair treatment for Daisy Hill acute Hospital continues, with a renewed call for action for the people of Newry & Mourne, (which includes South Armagh and South Down) and surrounding areas. Please take part and write for your rights.

Based on demographics and other factors, Newry should be confirmed as a location for a new specialised Acute Hospital building so these Response/Comment Sheets to the Equality Assessment of the 2023-24 Budget Outcome are now ready to Download and read for sending responses back to the Department of Health.

To assist you – various information sources including some very good Budget Consultation Responses from the Equality Commission NI and from NI Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY) are available from the references section below at the bottom of the article.

What difference will it make if I take part in this Consultation?

Will it make any difference if I take part in this consultation?

Yes, because if you read the quote below from the Consultation Document from the Department of Health it states:

So if you do not ask – you will not get – but if you ask and make a good deserving case for – we could get the additional funding that Newry & Mourne LGD has needed for a long time for its large population and for its acute Hospital – at Daisy Hill, Newry. As you know, Newry & Mourne has always been the highest LGD population, with the largest population of children in the Southern Trust area. This must be recognised in this Budget.

Quote below from the Department of Health Budget 2023-24 Equality Impact Assessment Document, p31 (p33 pdf page number) shows that the Department is actively seeking for all citizens to comment on these funding proposals. If we have Equality concerns – we must tell them so they can act on them.

Thank you! Let us keep up the long running campaign to speak up for Daisy Hill Hospital, the acute Hospital for Newry & Mourne (which includes South Armagh)

Detailed info on the importance of this Consultation is described on Daisy Hill for life website at :

The Department of Health explain the Consultation as follows on their website:

“The Equality Impact Assessment of the 2023-24 Budget Outcome Consultation opened on 22 May 2023. Closing date 14 August 2023 at 23:59.
The 2023-24 Budget was announced by the NI Secretary of State on the 27 April 2023. The Budget provides the proposed Resource and Capital investment funding allocations to departments for the 2023-24 financial year. The Department of Health’s Equality Impact Assessment document provides an Equality Impact Assessment of the 2023-24 Budget Outcome for the Department, and we are seeking your comments on the equality implications.


https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/sites/default/files/consultations/health/doh-budget-eqia-cons.pdf    Direct link to Consultation Qs

Link to the Full Equality Impact Assessment of the 2023-24 Budget Consultation on the Department of Health Website: https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/consultations/equality-impact-assessment-2023-24-budget-outcome

https://www.equalityni.org/ECNI/media/ECNI/Consultation%20Responses/2023/DoH-Budget2023-24EQIA-ECNIresponse.pdf    Link to very good Consultation response from the NI Equality Commission.

https://www.niccy.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/NICCY-Advice-on-EQIA-on-Draft-DoH-Budget-2023-24.pdf     Link to very good Budget Consultation Response from NI Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY):  Advice on the Department of Health Draft Budget EQIA 2023-24

Link to the Southern Trust Delivery Plan 2018/19 on plans for the new Newry Community Treatment Centre. p97)* 

*For important info on Misrepresented population LGD sizes at :  


Registrar General NI Link (which confirms although the 11 council model is in place since April 2015, Health Trusts remain under the former 26 council model). See below

https://www.nisra.gov.uk/sites/nisra.gov.uk/files/publications/Maps-of-NI-Health-Trusts-and-Local-Government-Districts.pdf     (see p 1& p2)
Link to Registrar General Northern Ireland Annual Report 2015 (Publication date: 31 August 2016)
Appendix 6 Northern Ireland’s Health & Social Care Trusts and Local Government Districts
Appendix 7 Northern Ireland’s 11 Local Government Districts 2015

Link to Rural Needs Act:  https://www.legislation.gov.uk/nia/2016/19/pdfs/nia_20160019_en.pdf

End of links  

Daisy Hill Hospital, Newry Saves Lives - People Power 2023

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© Daisy Hill for Life on Facebook and http://www.savedaisyhillhospital.com, 2015 – 2023

We welcome sharing of this info and the use of excerpts and links, please give full and clear credit to http://www.savedaisyhillhospital.com and Daisy Hill for Life with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Thank-you.

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Photo by Markus Winkler on Pexels.com


Nearly 945 Million Pounds for the whole of the Southern Trust in 2021-2. Nearly How much of this c. £945 million was spent on Specialist Acute Inpatient Services and Emergency Services in Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry in 2021 -2022?

Hospital services are paid for with public money – funded by your Regional rates, Taxes and National Insurance Contributions. In 2021/22 The Southern Trust had an income of £944,707,000* (nearly £945 million).  Management costs were £29,092,000* (c £29.1 million).   

>How much of this c. £945 million was spent on Specialist Acute Inpatient Services and Emergency Services in Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry in 2021 -2022? 

>How much of this c. £945 million was spent on Specialist Acute Inpatient Services and Emergency Services in Craigavon Hospital in 2021 -2022?

>Are Newry & Mourne population (the largest LGD /locality population in the Southern Trust) getting VALUE FOR MONEY?

Redress the unbalanced NI Stroke Consultation 2019 - additional Options needed to include the Excluded populations.

There are TWO Government designated Acute Hospitals in the Southern Trust – the longest established is Daisy Hill Hospital, Newry city which is situated in the Newry & Mourne LGD –CONSISTENTLY THE HIGHEST LOCALITY/LGD population in the Southern Trust.

Newry & Mourne, South Armagh Acute Area Hospital at Daisy Hill, in Newry city
Graphic by Daisy Hill for life

The second Acute Hospital is Craigavon Hospital in Portadown (situated in Craigavon LGD -the second largest locality population in the Southern Trust area, where Newry & Mourne LGD is the highest population)


The Southern Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2021-22 gives information on how much is being spent overall in the Southern Trust – but the public need to know that the money is being spent FAIRLY across its acute hospitals according to population size/need.  

The public need to know this especially because Craigavon Hospital redevelopment once again gets prioritized in the Southern Trust 10 year Capital Long term Expenditure Plans (p43) but despite the long overdue population-based need and requirement in Newry & Mourne –there is NO MENTION of Long Term Expenditure Plans for the Redevelopment of Daisy Hill Hospital , Newry city, in this same 10 year review of capital priorities statement, as shown quoted below:

“as part of a 10 year review of capital priorities, the Southern HSC Trust has identified a need for investment in excess of some £430m. THIS INCLUDES REDEVELOPMENT OF CRAIGAVON AREA HOSPITAL together with much needed infrastructure, backlog maintenance and diagnostic equipment requirements.”

Southern Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2021-22 p43

This Southern Trust Annual Report and Accounts 2021-22 can be accessed and read in full from the link at the end of the article under Background and References.


IN LEGAL TERMS the Southern Trust area includes ONLY 5 (former) LGDs of (1) Newry & Mourne, (2) Craigavon, (3) Armagh, (4)Dungannon and (5) Banbridge. (Ref: Establishment Order 2006)

The 2006 Order also makes it very clear that accommodation and services should be provided in each of six named hospitals, with addresses, including Daisy Hill, Newry.  It does not say all hospital accommodation and services should be centralised to Craigavon only as the Southern Trust are determined to do.

The operational area of the Southern Trust is NOT Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon; Mid-Ulster; and Newry, Mourne and Down council – This Southern Trust Annual Report has got this wrong on the Southern Trust operational area on p9 of the Southern Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2021/22.


In Legislation ‘Down’ is in the operational area of the South Eastern Trust and ‘Mid Ulster’ (Cookstown and Magherafelt) are in the Northern Trust.


The number of people living within a locality (LGD) and assessed population need is supposed to be the primary factor when commissioning health Services so as Newry & Mourne LGD is the highest locality population in the Southern Trust – this should also be reflected in the funding spent on Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry and its Specialist Acute Inpatient services and Emergency services.

Time for Investment in Newry and Mourne LGD's acute Hospital Daisy Hill

Daisy Hill Hospital, Newry was designated in its own right one of the 9 major Acute Hospitals in NI since 2003 (as part of Developing Better Services). As such it is entitled to funding for a fully functioning acute hospital with 24/7 Consultant Led Accident and Emergency Services and 24 /7 Consultant Led Maternity Services.

It was not designated as a ‘support or local hospital’ to Craigavon (as the Southern Trust nominated it to be in 2010) or designated just as a regional elective centre as has been decided without any form of Consultation WITH THE PEOPLE WHO ARE PAYING FOR a fully functioning acute hospital.

Newry & Mourne LGD needs re-imbursement for Hospital funding due to population plan errors in the Southern Trust area > For vitally important information and explanation why Daisy Hill, Newry requires this re-imbursement for Hospital funding due to crucial errors -see the Daisy Hill for Life website – by clicking on the picture LINK below:


 (* Source: Southern Trust SHSCT Annual Report & Accounts 2021-22 for the year ended 31 March 2022 (pg 115, 43, 9)
Link below: https://southerntrust.hscni.net/about-us/annual-reports/

© Daisy Hill for Life on Facebook and http://www.savedaisyhillhospital.com, 2015 – 2023

We welcome sharing of this info and the use of excerpts and links, please give full and clear credit to http://www.savedaisyhillhospital.com and Daisy Hill for Life with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Thank-you.

Information on this and other similar topics is also available at the companion Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/daisyhillforlife/ Pls Share and Like posts to show your support and please Follow or Like the Page to receive updates. Thank you.

You may also be interested in other posts on Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry city, like: https://savedaisyhillhospital.com/2022/02/28/daisy-hill-hospital-newry-is-one-of-the-nine-major-acute-hospitals-in-the-regional-network-designated-in-2003-like-antrim-ulster-etc/


In a crucially important Population Plan Table*, created in 2013 for the influential ‘Transforming Your Care’ Health Review – Newry & Mourne Local Government District was made to look like the smallest population in Southern Trust area when it was really the largest.

This misinformation was used to plan future Acute Hospital services for the Southern Trust area and the rest of NI and is still being used today – so this error is why Newry & Mourne LGD and Daisy Hill Acute Hospital have been placed at the back of the queue for hospital buildings and specialist acute inpatient services for years, despite Newry & Mourne LGD being the HIGHEST LGD population in the Southern Trust area since it was formed in 2007.


This population plan table (shown in the graphic) implies that Newry & Mourne local government district (LGD) has the smallest Locality population in the Southern Trust area.  But this is wrong because Newry & Mourne was NOT the smallest population – it was the LARGEST (and still is).

Whoever compiled this Southern Locality Population Plan Table* incorrectly displayed the standardised NISRA population figures of the Southern Trust area and by doing this –masked the true population sizes of the five Localities / LGDs in the Southern Trust area. The effects of this misinformation are still being felt today.


In 2011/12 as Part of the Transforming Your Care (TYC) Health Review and Consultation, the Health Minister asked the 5 NI Local Commissioning Groups for Draft Population Plans for each of their areas to assess the population in each Local Government District (LGD or locality) across NI to reflect local needs. “Population planning and local commissioning to be the central approach for organising services and delivering change.” (p8 TYC).

This Table is reproduced from the Southern Local Commissioning Group Locality -Population Plan ‘Changing For A Better Future’ 2013 Report on p18.* (A copy is available to download from the References section at the end of the article)

The Southern Local Commissioning Group (SLCG) created this Population Plan Report in conjunction with the Southern Trust which outlined how they jointly intended to commission and provide health and social care services in the Southern Trust area.

This information in this Population Plan was used for decision making in the Public Consultation on Transforming Your Care (TYC) Health Review.


The Table* shown from the 2013 Population Plan Report presents the Population sizes of all 5 local government districts in the Southern Trust in a very distorted way. There are FIVE Localities or local government district LGDs named in the Southern Trust area, they are:

(1) Newry & Mourne LGD, (2) Banbridge LGD; (3) Dungannon LGD; (4)Craigavon LGD and (5) Armagh LGD.


This population plan table (reproduced in the graphic) implies that Newry & Mourne local government district (LGD) has the SMALLEST locality population in the Southern Trust area.  But this is wrong because Newry & Mourne was NOT the smallest population – it was the LARGEST (99,900) in the table (and still is the largest today with a population of 106,813 people in 2020).

So whoever compiled this Southern Locality Population Plan Table incorrectly displayed the standardised NISRA population figures of the Southern Trust area and by doing this – masked the true population sizes.


To understand this distortion of locality/LGD  population size as displayed in the reproduced Table, please look at the BRIGHT BLUE ROW OF HEADINGS shown on the Graphic.

First start with the first column named:

YEAR– then > go along to the Next Column: ARMAGH/DUNGANNON >then next Column: CRAIGAVON/BANBRIDGE then > next column: NEWRY/MOURNE

These Headings are misleading as the places named are TWO local government districts grouped and added together in one column – that is until you get to the fourth column which instead displays only one local government District instead of two LGDs like the other columns before it.  

So the grouped double LGDs are compared against one single LGD. This single LGD is Newry & Mourne LGD which is being compared inaccurately and misrepresented so it appears as the smallest population.


The second column in the Table adds the population of the 2 local government districts of Armagh LGD and Dungannon LGD together in one column to form a higher combined population total (117,100) than the Newry & Mourne LGD population which appears as one LGD on its own in the third column. (99,900)

Armagh LGD + Dungannon LGD =117,100

Compared against

Newry & Mourne LGD = 99,900

The third column again adds TWO LGD populations together – it adds Craigavon LGD and Banbridge LGD together in one column to give a COMBINED population Total (141,600) and then this Total figure is then compared alongside the single local government district of Newry & Mourne population, (99,900) which appears again on its own as ONE LGD.

Craigavon LGD + Banbridge LGD =141,600

Compared against

Newry & Mourne LGD = 99,900

Of course 2 local government district populations added together are likely to be much higher than one single LGD even if the single LGD is the largest population, but this is not a fair use or acceptable standardised practice, and Newry & Mourne is losing out because of it.

The former 26 Councils or Local Government Districts (LGDS) or localities are still named in legislation and remain as the Operational area of NI Health Trusts (Establishment Order 2006) and Commissioning Groups. In the Southern Trust area. (See Background and References for more information)

The Graphic titled FACT below shows how the populations of the 5 LGDs in the Southern Trust should have been shown if represented fairly and accurately: it is obvious from this accurate representation using the official standardised NISRA statistics that Newry & Mourne LGD is the largest Locality population in the operational area of the Southern Health and Social Care Trust.


The original Population Plan Table* from the Southern Local Commissioning Group Locality -Population Plan Report also gave the impression that there are only THREE localities or local Government Districts in the Southern Trust/Commissioning area and wrongly implies Newry & Mourne Local Government District has the least need, instead of correctly stating that there are FIVE localities in the Southern Trust with Newry & Mourne being largest population with greatest need.

This misinformation about the size of the Newry & Mourne LGD and the other LGDs in the Southern Trust area was presented to the decision makers in charge of planning future hospital services in the Transforming Your Care Review.

This TYC Review made it clear that there should only be 5-7 Acute Hospital networks for the entire population of NI. This Review knew there would be a huge interest in Acute Hospital sites and their future role and outlined that the final functionality of each of the (hospital) facilities will be based on POPULATION NEED and the principles set out in the report. (p116 TYC).

The Transforming Your Care Health Review was a population based planning of Services which then formed the foundation for many future Health Reviews which followed including Delivering Together, Donaldson, and the Bengoa Report.


This misinformation as presented in the table* was used to plan the current Acute Hospital services in the Southern Trust area and the rest of NI and is still used today.

This error will have been a major reason why Newry & Mourne LGD and Daisy Hill Acute Hospital have been placed at the back of the queue for hospital buildings and specialist acute inpatient services for many years, despite Newry & Mourne LGD being the HIGHEST LGD population in the Southern Trust area since it was formed in 2007, and the fourth Highest Locality (LGD) population in all of NI since 1971 with Belfast, Lisburn (Greater Belfast) and Derry.

This injustice must be rectified now by the DOH as discussions take place about the future Hospitals services here.

Acute hospital-Emergency entrance


Newry & Mourne Acute Area Hospital at Daisy Hill needs re-imbursement for the years of lost funding (when they were placed bottom of the Queue) and return of inpatient beds and specialist services, in a fully functioning Major Acute Specialist Hospital (as designated by Government in 2003 and again earmarked for a major new acute hospital in 2005) which has still not been delivered by the Southern Trust and Department of Health 18 years later.

The Population Plan Table* – which in effect was a population needs assessment reveals why Daisy Hill is being wrongly treated as a ‘small local’ hospital today.   


As verified by official NISRA statistics, for over 50 YEARS since 1971, Newry & Mourne LGD has ranked in the TOP 4 HIGHEST POPULATIONS in NI with Belfast, Lisburn (Greater Belfast) and Derry.  

The number of people living within a locality (LGD) is supposed to be the primary factor when commissioning health Services so the misrepresentation of population sizes which continues today in population planning in Southern Trust must be corrected urgently.  

So, in order to repair the damage done by this misinformation in 2013, which made Newry & Mourne LGD appear wrongly as the smallest LGD instead of the largest in the Southern Trust area there are two actions needed:

1. The Southern Trust and Southern Local Commissioning Group must stop putting forward the misleading idea that there are 3 localities in the Southern Trust when we know there are really 5 localities (LGDs). The population sizes of the Southern Trust area must be presented accurately acknowledging that Newry & Moure (single LGD) is the largest LGD/locality of the FIVE localities in the Southern Trust.

2. All Public Consultations (at both Regional and at Southern Trust level) must be based on accurate population size and accurately assessed population need. All Consultations (including the EQIA) must be population evidence based including for Emergency services (Emergency Surgery, Stroke, specialist acute services and reduction in status to a Regional elective Centre).

This should be organised by the Department of Health, The Strategic Planning and Performance Group, Public Health Agency and Southern Trust in the spending of scarce capital resources and decisions on spending on Hospitals (which have been paid for with public money). The public should have right to reply and challenge centralisation of services and when their hospital is used as a case study for closure.

Newry Mourne & Down Council, MPS, MLAs and the community all can be confident in the knowledge that Newry & Mourne LGD has been short changed and is long overdue the required investment in a major Specialist Acute Hospital in Newry City instead being bartered off with a Regional Elective centre or privatised Community Health Centre instead of a Major Specialist Acute hospital with a 24/7 Consultant- Led Type 1 Emergency Department & Consultant- Led Maternity.

Newry South Down and South Armagh Area Hospital -Daisy Hill, Newry City.



Operational areas in Health trusts still remain under the 26 council model.

The former 26 Councils or Local Government Districts (LGDS) or localities are still named in legislation and remain as the Operational area of NI Health Trusts (Establishment Order 2006) and Commissioning Groups. In the Southern Trust area.

The Five LGDs in Southern Trust in consistent order of size since Establishment of the Southern Trust on 1st April 2007 according to NISRA are:

>1st Newry & Mourne;

>2nd Craigavon;

>3rd Armagh:

>4th Dungannon:

>5th Banbridge

SoS Daisy Hill Hospital Campaign Rally - another show of community strength in Newry city on 25.06.2023. Estimated 10,000 attended the Rally in Marcus Square, Newry and then walked up to Daisy Hill Acute Hospital.


As verified by official NISRA statistics, for over 50 YEARS since 1971, Newry & Mourne LGD has ranked in the TOP 4 HIGHEST POPULATIONS in NI with Belfast, Lisburn (Greater Belfast) and Derry.

Based on population size, Daisy Hill should have a major Hospital the same size as Altnagelvin as its population size is very similar, and based on both population size, number of patients on GP Registers (c161,000)  and on its location -Daisy Hill should have a larger Specialist Acute hospital than Antrim, Craigavon, or Ulster Hospitals. Why? Because Newry & Mourne LGD has a population bigger than Antrim LGD, Castlereagh LGD, and also Craigavon LGD, who all have major acute hospitals already.

The Newry & Mourne LGD and Daisy Hill acute Hospital cannot be ignored any longer as there are many factors which require proper hospital services funding and commissioning in this area (1) it has the large population, (2) the highest number of births, (3) the Location


Other References

Transforming Your Care : https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/topics/health-policy/transforming-your-care#toc-0

Transforming Your Care (TYC):  Vision to Action. A Consultation Document 9th Oct 2012 to 15th Jan 2013.

Transforming Your Care (TYC) : Vision to Action – A post Consultation Report  March – 2013 

The TYC Consultation Document ‘ Vision to Action’ was “based on the draft Population Plans which have been developed by Local Commissioning Groups with input from HSC Trusts, to reflect local needs and a Draft Strategic Implementation Plan which gives a wider NI overview.” (p3 Vision to Action. A Consultation Document 9th Oct 2012 to 15th Jan 2013).

“Population planning and local commissioning to be the central approach for organising services and delivering change.” (p8 TYC)

Information on this and other similar topics is also available at the companion Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/daisyhillforlife/ Please Follow or Like the Page to receive updates. Thank you.

You can also read, like and share this post on Facebook at : Playing with numbers, playing with people’s lives

You may also be interested in other posts on Daisy Hill Acute Hospital, Newry city, like: https://savedaisyhillhospital.com/2022/02/28/daisy-hill-hospital-newry-is-one-of-the-nine-major-acute-hospitals-in-the-regional-network-designated-in-2003-like-antrim-ulster-etc/

Daisy Hill Hospital for Life

© Daisy Hill for Life on Facebook and http://www.savedaisyhillhospital.com, 2015 – 2023

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We welcome sharing of this info and the use of excerpts and links, please give full and clear credit to http://www.savedaisyhillhospital.com and Daisy Hill for Life with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Thank-you.

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